Thursday, June 28, 2007

my first day

on a blog. It seems fun....but then it's hard to even imagine who might read this. Or that writing and writing and writing might go on and then vanish in a nanosecond or something. I think I will just write to myself already - because at this point really no one is reading this. So, this is where I am today: a physical therapy appointment for some perineal massage (which gets less and less embarrassing the older my kid gets), some errands including picking up books about building porches at the library ($17.50 how did that happen?), pick up my mom and daughter from swim lessons (it's raining and they don't want to walk home), home for some leftover eating and netflix grazing (baby sleeping), take my mom to the airport (to go sailing with her boyfriend in a very small boat), UPS store to send work product overnight, DMV to register new (used) minivan, home for gardening, wine drinking, talking to husband on the phone, feeding Xena two some squash and starting this blog.

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