Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

new friends

I guess the fear of spiders is not as innate as we think

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


happy birthday Louisa!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

look into my eyes...

look deeeep into my eeyyyeeeessss .... yessss, make me some squash ... squuaaashhhh....

.....and you cannot see my boogies....they are invissiblee...


Monday, December 17, 2007

a true portland baby...

her eyes are the color of the Willamette River

halloween pumpkins

whoops, I wore the wrong camo...cuz you can see me, right?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

baths are fun

with a nice view of teeth 1, 2, and 3.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

the twelve cute pictures of christmas

Things have really gotten away from me, blogwise. I hereby pledge to post at least one cute picture for the next twelve days (to Christmas and those two shopping days).

This is a pic of Louisa at Barnaby's beach house for thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

grind open but closing soon! shop now!

OK, their hours have changed - now 11-7pm. Eight hours to shop. Open til everything's gone. Percent off sales in the future.

Also hearing that our quickymart minimall will be changing hands. To become more "upscale"! puke. So much for "the boys". Is this all a plot of Fred Meyer to make us shop there? Any other conspiracy theories out there?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

grind closed!

The sign says "shop now" but the store is closed. Here's another daily grind photo...

Friday, October 19, 2007

daily grind down!

as in out of business as of 2 weeks from now. Shit!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

100% weather

I have a slight weather habit. I don't get the weather channel or stay plugged into my local weather delivery station. I am just picky and have found the perfect weather broadcasting media for me - rainbow bright and super detailed. I just checked in to it to see when the best time would be to take a walk today. Unfortunately, we're not getting out of the dark green today and our 12 hour probability of precipitation is 100%. But check out the contrast between the purple (dark and light) snow patterns in Montana and our green marbling here on the wet side. Foggy days are nice too - the yellow really stands out. And the POP12 readings are like topographical maps of clouds. Thank you NOAA.

We went to Arizona in March and in preparation I checked out the NOAA graphical for southeastern AZ. There were no colors. Was the website working? yes. But there was no weather there. Just the bland beige nothing that means "none". This picture shows the absence of weather. Makes you nervous doesn't it?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

pursed ships

I (I!) have been carrying a purse. I (I!) who once infamously (and innocently) said to my purse carrying friend, "isn't that humiliating? Carrying all that stuff (implication: that you don't need)?" When I was 18, purses (and gardening) represented all that was middle-aged and booooring. What did I have against purses? I guess I thought that carrying around enough stuff that you had to have a BAG for it seemed too encumbering.

But! Now I realize that one thing that I hate is packing up to leave the house. When it was merely finding my ID and stuffing some bills in my pockets things were easy. Now that pockets wont hold my wallet, cell phone and keys (and really, some of my clothes don't even have POCKETS!) I have become increasingly frustrated. And now that I also usually am getting together the baby stuff, man! that is hard to get used to, I can't bear finding all my shit too. So I use a purse. It's one that I'm trying out, one of my mom's. I don't really think it's "me" but I dont really have time or inclination to shop. It does have lots of pockets... Yes, it does have that.

shoes off weekend

It was weirdly warm again last weekend. The door was open and dog sitting on the porch, barking at nervous people and small dogs. We waltzed around without our shoes or soxes on. Like foxes we were.

Sunday had a crockpot full of steel cut oatmeal, all-night cooked. And people over. And two kids - Elsa and Sula. The increasingly rare Lucy made an appearance and T drug her bags of clothes out of the basement and we all got some good stuff.

Friday, October 5, 2007

rememberances of things summer

Is this a Proustian reference? What an egghead. Although I tell you what - I've only ever read Proust when I had trouble sleeping.

Here is another picture of summer times. This one is of me and L in the neighbor's pool. One thing to be said about the weather this time of year - it is interesting. More interesting than a cloudless sky in summer. Clouds come in, clouds go out, clouds turn different colors, clouds dissipate or blow their tops.

Today was the first day of using the furnace. It's hard to be upset about this bad weather when remembering how we've lived the last five months essentially outside, or at least with windows and doors open. And does the rain feel good on your face and hands, yes, yes it does. Mostly.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

cup running over

The summer is over. Record rain on Friday and probably today too. This is about a month earlier than we usually start fall weather. The skiers and snowboarders are rejoicing though...thinking snow and winter fun.

I've made a list of the things that need to get done by winter - buy oil for the furnace, clean the vents out, find the winter clothes. It's a little shocking, this early fall, but I'm still coasting a little on the summer, trying to keep that easy feeling.

L and I had breakfast this morning with GLinda and Auntie Gretchen. She had fun. Meals out were a problem for awhile so we stopped going out. It's exciting to think that we can go out to eat again, without dramatics.

When it stops raining for a moment today I'm going to rush out and buzz around (did I mention I'm sick and on pseudoephidrine?). This picture is of better times on Lusted Lady Beach, Sandy River, y'all!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

many and varied

will this work, this blog? will I be a blogger?

oh life...

I've been alone and eating english muffin turkey melts with fresh tomatoes and basil. from the garden. and sometimes the flowers from my zucchini plants - which are...are they not?...the most gentle beautiful vegetables there are.

Speaking of beautiful vegetables, here's some more:
Lemon cucumbers the size of key limes;
Ambitious horseradish I will never eat;
The berries!;
The pepper plants finally fleshing out;
And of course the beets.

L (7 months old) ate fig and yogurt tonight and some english muffin too.

This whole post about food? I think it will stop when I stop breastfeeding. Otherwise, woo! I eat alot.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

my first day

on a blog. It seems fun....but then it's hard to even imagine who might read this. Or that writing and writing and writing might go on and then vanish in a nanosecond or something. I think I will just write to myself already - because at this point really no one is reading this. So, this is where I am today: a physical therapy appointment for some perineal massage (which gets less and less embarrassing the older my kid gets), some errands including picking up books about building porches at the library ($17.50 how did that happen?), pick up my mom and daughter from swim lessons (it's raining and they don't want to walk home), home for some leftover eating and netflix grazing (baby sleeping), take my mom to the airport (to go sailing with her boyfriend in a very small boat), UPS store to send work product overnight, DMV to register new (used) minivan, home for gardening, wine drinking, talking to husband on the phone, feeding Xena two some squash and starting this blog.