I (I!) have been carrying a purse. I (I!) who once infamously (and innocently) said to my purse carrying friend, "isn't that humiliating? Carrying all that stuff (implication: that you don't need)?" When I was 18, purses (and gardening) represented all that was middle-aged and booooring. What did I have against purses? I guess I thought that carrying around enough stuff that you had to have a BAG for it seemed too encumbering.
But! Now I realize that one thing that I hate is packing up to leave the house. When it was merely finding my ID and stuffing some bills in my pockets things were easy. Now that pockets wont hold my wallet, cell phone and keys (and really, some of my clothes don't even have POCKETS!) I have become increasingly frustrated. And now that I also usually am getting together the baby stuff, man! that is hard to get used to, I can't bear finding all my shit too. So I use a purse. It's one that I'm trying out, one of my mom's. I don't really think it's "me" but I dont really have time or inclination to shop. It does have lots of pockets... Yes, it does have that.
Can I have John's purse?
that's barnaby, not john. And, I think you'd have to pry it out of his cold drunk hands. My purse would probably only hold two tallboys. Which is probably a good thing.
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